Privacy Policy

Date Policy

Your privacy is of the utmost importance, we are therefore committed to safeguarding your personal information. That starts with helping you understand our privacy practices. This statement describes the personal information we collect, how it is used and shared, your choices regarding this information and applies to any users of our services. Any reference in this statement to information or personal information is to “personal data” as defined under the General Data Protection Regulation.

Version 1.1

last modified 07/12/2022

Who are we?

We are part of Great Glen Property Solutions Ltd. We operate a number of websites and brands including All references to “we” “our” “us” or “company” within this statement within this statement are deemed to refer to Great Glen Properties Solutions Ltd, (a company registered in Scotland, company no SC634005).

Our registered office is Ashfield, High Street, Conon Bridge, Ross-Shire, IV7 8HA Data controllers For your reference the data controller is: Great Glen Property Solutions Ltd (Company no SC634005 ), registered office at Ashfield, High Street, Conon Bridge, Ross-Shire, IV7 8HA

We have appointed a Data Protection Team who is responsible for overseeing any questions you may have in relation to this Privacy Statement. If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement or Personal Information that we hold about you, including any requests to exercise your rights, please contact our Data Protection Team using the details set out below: Address: Ashfield, High Street, Conon Bridge, Ross-Shire, IV7 8HA. Email: Telephone Number: 07952 702410

The personal information we collect We collect the following categories of information: 1. Personal information you provide For example, this information may be collected when you: Contact us about any of our services Create or update your account Subscribe to a newsletter Enquire about, book or review a holiday or other service The type of information we collect from you may include your name, DOB (if purchasing insurance), email address, phone number, postal address and account password. If you are looking to let a property with us it may include your property name, property location and current letting status. 

How we use your information

Our main purpose in collecting your personal information is to provide you with the services you requested and those which we believe will improve your experience with us. We may use your information in the following ways:

Providing services and features Show you recently viewed, wishlisted items or saved searches.

Understand your onsite behaviour so that we may personalise our marketing service to you

Verify your eligibility for any products, promotions or services we offer

Provide guest or user reviews on our website

To assist you when you contact us

Monitor and improve our services

To perform functions and services otherwise described to you when we collect your information To fulfil a contract When you use our services, for example booking a holiday or letting your property through us, we will need you to supply us with specific information required to fulfil a contract or related contracts, such as the contract created between the property owner and guest. If you refuse to supply part or all of this information, we may not be able to fulfil these contracts.

We use the information we collect to enable users of our services, including guests, and parties we contract with (such as property owners) to identify one another and communicate. For example, a guest may contact the owner of one of our listed properties prior to their holiday to arrange a late arrival or an owner may contact the guest after the holiday if belongings have been left in the property.

Verifying information 

We may use or share your information with third parties to verify its accuracy.

Legal proceedings and requirements We may use the information we collect to investigate or address claims or disputes relating to your use of our services, or as otherwise allowed by applicable law.

Information sharing and disclosure

We always treat your data with sensitivity and keep it secure. At times we share your information with others where it is either necessary to perform our services to you, where we are required by law to disclose information or where you have given your consent to share information. Other parties that we share your data with include: Guests and property owners When enquiring about a holiday we are required to share details about the guests with the owner to arrange the booking. When booking a holiday, we will share both the guest details to the owner and the owners details to the guest. Users of our services When using one of our services (a guest enquiring about a holiday, for example) we may share details about them with parties we contract with. For example, when booking a holiday, we will share both the guest details to the owner and the owner's details to the guest. Our Service providers In order to perform or market our services to you, we may provide information to our service providers who act on our behalf, such as mailing houses, research firms and companies offering marketing services/tools. The information we provide will always be limited to that which is necessary for them to fulfil the service they provide us and where we do so, we have appropriate agreements in place to ensure your information is kept secure.

If one of our service providers is based outside the European Economic Area (EEA) we will ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place. Business Partners We may share your personal data with our trusted business partners, such as consultants and marketing partners. We do this where we believe we have a legitimate interest, which has been balanced with your interests, or where you have given your consent for us to do so, or in circumstances where it is necessary to fulfil a contract you have entered into. We will not share your information with any other organisation for their own direct marketing purposes, without your specific consent. With relevant authorities

For legal reasons or in the event of a dispute we may share your information when required or allowed to do so by law. For example, if you use another person's credit card, we may be required by law to share information with that credit card holder, including holiday information. With your consent We may share your information other than as described in this statement if we notify you and you provide your specific consent for this purpose. Safety and security We know how much data security matters to all our customers and we treat your data with the utmost care.

How long we keep your data for

We will only keep personal data for an appropriate period of time for the purpose(s) for which we are using it. This period will vary and be dependent on our contractual and legal requirements. Your rights You have the right to ask us to provide you with the personal information we may hold for you and what we are using this information for. This is known as a “Subject Access Request”. You also have the right to request that we delete your personal information. Upon receipt of such requests we will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible, but at least within one month. If you believe the personal information we hold for your is incorrect, please let us know and we will rectify this as soon as possible.

If you would like to exercise these rights, please contact us at or write to the Data controller representative, Great Glen Property Solutions Ltd or call 07952 702410 and ask to speak to the Data controller representative. If you are not happy with the manner in which we have used your personal information you have the right to complain to a statutory authority, in the UK this would be the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Updates to this statement We monitor and review our privacy statement regularly. If we make significant changes we will endeavour to notify you through the website or through others means, such as email.